Xiaomi: the future of China’s hottest hardware company & company overview

Leung Muk Wun (Kristie) New WeChat features

Recently, Hong Kong’s securities regulator and market operator together enabled a reform of Hong Kong’s listing rules in order to ‘lure’ technology companies that wish to sell equity with multiple classes of stock, allowing founders to keep outsized voting rights. Xiaomi was one of the first large technology company to have filed for IPO in Hong Kong Stock Exchange market …

A close look at China’s revenue-sharing platforms: Yunji, Beidian and Global Scanner

Claire Chu New WeChat features

If one day, a WeChat friend starts to promote “discounted” groceries, “best-price” cosmetics and other products of all sorts, he or she might have joined one of the biggest WeChat based multi-level revenue sharing platforms. Some of the biggest platforms include Yunji (云集), Beidian (贝店) and Global Scanner (环球捕手, AKA 51Bushou). Everyone is a store operator These social based e-commerce …

How Alibaba is shaping the Chinese entertainment industry – Alibaba Pictures, Taopiaopiao, and its e-commerce ecosystem

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

Alibaba has been growing in the entertainment business with an aggressive acquisition strategy since 2014. The article will cover the following topics: Alibaba’s entertainment business’s structure Alibaba Picture Taopiaopiao Damai Youku Tudou UCweb How Alibaba links entertainment with e-commerce Competitors (Tencent & Baidu) What comprises Alibaba’s entertainment empire? Alibaba Pictures The film company was formerly called ChinaVision Media, of which …

WeChat impact report 2018: all the latest WeChat data

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features, WeChat guides & tips, WeChat news

The WeChat Impact Report 2018 is out! Among the highlights: WeChat-driven information consumption reached RMB 209. 7 billion WeChat accounted for 34% of the total data traffic of users WeChat drove RMB 333.9 billion traditional consumption, covering travel, food, shopping, tourism, etc. WeChat contributed the employment of 20.3 million persons in 2017, more than twice the 2014 figure The number of stores accepting WeChat Payment in …

WeChat changed the Subscription Account folder: why does it change everything?

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

WeChat just modified the format of the “subscription folder”. Why is it game changing? What is the change? This change of the display of the subscription account messages transforms what used to be a list of accounts into a more “Facebook style” newsfeed. This is the biggest change made to WeChat Official Accounts since their launch in 2013. Let’s categorize …

Zhihu: China’s Largest Q&A Platform is a Content Marketer’s Dream

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

“If you have a question, search on Zhihu,” they say. This may best summarize the biggest knowledge sharing platform in China, whose 7-year-old database boasts over 100 million answers. Bottomline, being a Q&A website, the ability to provide useful and trustworthy answers means everything. To a knowledge-seeking crowd, Zhihu is a goldmine for useful and high-quality content, where “worthless” answers …

WeChat Impact Report 2018 shows impressive social impact

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

The WeChat Impact Report 2018 is out! Among the highlights: WeChat-driven information consumption reached RMB 209. 7 billion WeChat accounted for 34% of the total data traffic of users WeChat drove RMB 333.9 billion traditional consumption, covering travel, food, shopping, tourism, etc. WeChat contributed the employment of 20.3 million persons in 2017, more than twice the 2014 figure The number …