Study of 151 Chinese Unicorns shows Beijing #1 City for Startups

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

A unicorn is a privately held startup company valued at over $1 billion. Although the term was coined in order to express the rarity of such companies, they are getting more common, especially in China. Let’s study unicorns in one of their most common habitats. Some of the highlights: Most of Chinese unicorns are located in Beijing (66 out of …

WeChat Mini-Programs are getting traction in China

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

Today, we put together data from several mini-program reports showing impressive growth: Time spent on WeChat Mini-programs daily went from 1.6 minutes per day to 9.8 minutes per day in a year 87% of WeChat mini-programs users spend more than 200 RMB per month through them Majority of WeChat mini-program users are now female users

IQiyi – the Chinese Netflix – is now listed on Nasdaq

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

iQiyi, a Beijing-based online entertainment company, also known as the “Chinese Netflix”, successfully landed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange on March 29 pricing its IPO at US$18 under the ticker symbol “IQ.” for a total offering size of more than 2 billion U.S. dollars. Let’s have a closer look at the largest video streaming company in China. The booming market …

Get famous or get blocked: the rules of WeChat Viral marketing

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

A campaign by the famous WeChat KOL “New World” 新世相 recently got viral… then blocked. What are the risks of viral marketing on WeChat? And what can you learn from New World for your own campaigns? The New World Campaign New World is a very popular WeChat Official Account focusing on talking about societal subjects relevant to the post 90’s generation …

5 best Chinese New Year 2018 marketing campaigns

Tingyi Chen New WeChat features

The Chinese New Year: a week-long period of time when people put down their work and pay more attention to family gossip, stupid TV programs, and many many marketing campaigns. Over the last decades, the Chinese New Year has become a Super Bowl-like advertising event. We picked the 5 most notable campaigns of this year. Taobao’s Family Plan Campaign After …

Tencent, one of China’s largest investment fund

Tingyi Chen New WeChat features

Dec 15, 2017 – 4.2 billion yuan ($636 million) investment for a 5% stake in Yonghui Superstore Co Ltd, a superstore with 600 locations in China Jan 23, 2018- potentially acquiring 1.7% stake in Carrefour Jan 29, 2018 – 14% stake of Wanda for 34 billion yuan ($5.4 billion) Jan 31, 2018 – 2.5 billion yuan ($396.91 million) investment for …

Alibaba shares drop after releasing December 2017 results… Why?

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

Alibaba just published their December Quarter 2017 results. With 56% YOY revenue growth, we should be impressed. Yet, Alibaba’s stock fell after the publication of the results. Why? Let’s have a closer look. Impressive 56% YOY growth Alibaba experienced an impressive 56% YOY growth by Q4 2017. The seasonality of the revenues (with a peak during Q4) is mostly due …

WeChat Mini Program Statistics 2018

Tingyi Chen New WeChat features

During the WeChat Conference 2018, WeChat released these data about WeChat Mini Program: By Jan 2018, developers published 580,000 Mini Programs Mini Programs attracts 170 million Daily Active Users More than half of the user traffic is from one single game Tiao Yi Tiao (挑一挑): 100 million DAU 50% of WeChat Mini Program users are from tier 3 or lower cities …