Youzan starts charging… and 4 other WeChat news

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

It’s been busy weeks for WeChat, with a business model pivot for Youzan and a crackdown of Tencent on pyramid schemes. Here’s a summary of the key events. 1. Youzan starts charging 4,800 RMB per year Starting on July 8th, Youzan, one of the largest WeChat e-commerce platform (claiming more than 2 million registered businesses) switched to a paid model. …

3 best platforms to find WeChat KOL

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

We have written it before: Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) are maybe the best way to promote your company on WeChat. But how exactly can you find the right KOL for your industry? Here are platforms which help you do just that. 新榜 is a familiar name to our readers: it is the platform ranking all the major WeChat …

How Facebook is becoming a WeChat copycat…

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

Facebook is literally, step by step, becoming a WeChat copycat. After inspiring itself from WeChat payment and WeChat public accounts, it is now copying much of the public accounts design. How Facebook is copying WeChat account menus 3 months ago, Facebook announced it would launch “bots” on public accounts. These accounts looked very much like… WeChat public accounts. Facebook hoped it …

WeChat 2016 data shows growing user engagement

Thomas Graziani WeChat news

The WeChat impact report is back, together with a fascinating Ipsos survey comparing WeChat payment and Alipay. Is WeChat stealing significant market share from Alipay yet? What do Chinese users do with WeChat? Find it all out bellow. Rise in WeChat engagement The amount of time spent on WeChat rose further this year. The number of users who use WeChat less …

4 case studies of the best consumer brand WeChat accounts

Tingyi Chen WeChat guides & tips, WeChat news

What are the most popular company WeChat accounts? And how did they become popular? Based on NewRank's report, these are the most popular WeChat accounts in consumer brand's sector. Data was collected on April 2016. Everyday fashion & sports wear H&M Nike Adidas H&M won consumers' heart by sending useful dressing guides.  Popular contents includes: how to pick the right sandals for this summer; ...

In-store WeChat cross-border payment and 3 examples

Tingyi Chen New WeChat features, WeChat guides & tips, WeChat news

Chinese tourists spend a lot of money when they travel. According to WSJ, Chinese tourists spent more than $229 billion in 2015, a 53% increase from the previous year.  Many shopping malls and tourist centers hire Chinese speaking staff. But when it comes to payment, most of places still haven’t caught up with the more popular mobile payment method in China. Today …

WeChat still fails to gain market share abroad

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

There has been much fuss about WeChat trying to export itself outside mainland China. And so far it has failed to do so. Top-performing regions for WeChat outside mainland China So, where is WeChat doing well outside mainland China? You might not have expected it: the #1 country is… Buthan. If you know a bit about geography, you know there is …

5 latest changes to WeChat Public Accounts

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

WeChat changes. And it changes fast. Here are 5 modifications to the platform which happened just over the last couple of weeks. 1. “Stick on top” for WeChat Public Accounts Among all the new features published lately, this might be the game-changing one. Much fuss has been made about WeChat public accounts replacing APPs on your phone. There is still …

[Infographics] Purchases on WeChat doubled in a year

Thomas Graziani WeChat news

Source: McKinsey iConsumer China 2016 survey, “How savvy, social shoppers are transforming e-commerce” Infographics and analysis by WalktheChat. All contents of this infographics should not be reproduced without explicit permission from WalktheChat