2015 Year-end social media summary- WeChat, Facebook, Twitter and more…

Tingyi Chen WeChat news

We summarized the most important changes of each major social media platform during the year 2015. WeChat WeChat update its features every other week. In 2015, it keeps opening its platform for more advanced customization while encourages high quality original content. January, WeChat first introduce “Original Content” function that protects copyright of articles February, menu function is opened to all verified WeChat account …

5 reasons why Facebook Messenger is better than WeChat

Tingyi Chen WeChat news

WeChat is legendary as China’s “one-stop” platform.  Brand are able to carry out their complete sales cycle all within WeChat: from user acquisition, to payment collection, to customer service.  Facebook now is giving a similar CRM experience for brands to connect with its page followers. How is Facebook Messenger doing compare with WeChat? Short answer: it’s doing great, maybe better! A few numbers: Facebook has 50 million …

Taobao data: What do Chinese buy online?

Tingyi Chen WeChat news

Taobao released a consumer shopping report showing the e-commerce trend in China over the past 5 years.  According to this report, Chinese consumer is showing higher demand in the following industries: healthy food, smart devices, special interest groups, traditional products and sports. Taobao data shows higher demand for healthy food products Health supplement is among the fastest growing market in F&B industry. Within …

Leaked Alipay Black Friday data: Is cross-border shopping the new Taobao?

Tingyi Chen WeChat news

Increasing number of Chinese shoppers demand higher quality products from abroad. Shoppers used to have to travel abroad to avoid price arbitrage of foreign brands, now they can purchase products at the same or even even cheaper price with a few taps on the phone thanks to cross-border ecommerce platforms. Even beter: they don’t even need to worry about exchange …

[Data] WeChat user behavior data from 3,485’s WeChat accounts, covering 18 industries

Thomas Graziani WeChat news

The company DataStory just released WeChat user behavior from 3485 WeChat accounts, collected between August and September 2015. The highlights: – Top reading days are Wednesday and Friday – Top reading time is 7:00pm to 10:00pm – Most active accounts are in the medical industry – Service, e-commerce and airlines are the most represented industries on WeChat Check-out the WeChat …

[Interview] How to make your WeChat H5 campaign viral?

Tingyi Chen WeChat news

You might have already seem these WeChat HTML5 (H5) campaigns shared on your WeChat Moment: Incoming call from Avengers to promote for the movie service of Dianping. Record breaking 2,000,000 page view in first 6 hours. A viral video introducing an imaginary application called APPmixer. It can can combined any of the two Apps of your choice, for example, Uber + …

What are the top performing WeChat accounts?

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

What are the top performing WeChat accounts? How many views do they get? What are the top performing WeChat accounts in each category? Here are the answers. 1. Top 5 (number of views) In October 2015, the top 5 accounts were People’s Daily (WeChat ID: rmrbwx), CCTV news (WeChat ID: cctvnewscenter), CCTV Finance (WeChat ID: cctvyscj), Traffic Road Conditions (WeChat ID: …

WeChat content market is getting more competitive

Thomas Graziani WeChat news

WeChat content produced by public accounts is the bread-and-butter of social content in China. In mid-2015, the number of views of WeChat subscription accounts started to decline. Some popular accounts saw a decline of more than 50% in readership. What is the extent of the issue, and what’s causing it? Performance of top-500 WeChat articles The study is focusing on …

5 great WeChat CRM systems, and 3 of them are free!

Tingyi Chen WeChat guides & tips

As big as Tencent is, the WeChat backend system is far from perfect: Only stores customer messages for 3 days No CRM function  Not easy to send targeted message to groups based on location/gender/age or other user characteristics Very limited data analytics for WeChat shop’s performance  Cannot track WeChat website’s performance Cannot schedule a specific time to push messages And many other …

Is Tencent leading the way or lagging behind Facebook?

Thomas Graziani WeChat news

Tencent has been restlessly compared with its Western equivalent, Facebook. Some analysts would praise Tencent for its innovative approach to mobile, O2O and revenue model. Others would treat it as a mere copycat. So, who is leading the way? Who is catching up? Let’s look into it. Two very different companies There are obvious differences between Tencent and Facebook. None …