Case study: how to build million-dollar consumer brands via WeChat & Weibo?

Tingyi Chen New WeChat features

According to 2016 China Investment Ecosystem Report, the number of consumer product startups increased by 58% in 2016. Many of these brands were created by young Chinese founders who are born into the digital era, and are competing against international giants. They sure know how to leverage the Chinese social media ecosystem, mainly WeChat and Weibo, to pick up a …

New method to drive traffic to your account – WeChat original content sharing

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

Here is a trick to drive huge amount of traffic to your Official Account: working with KOLs through the new Original Content feature. The power of Original Content Articles Almost 2 years ago, WeChat released Original Content articles. It means you can decide whether or not other people can share your content. And if they do, a link will automatically …

Tencent Q2’17 results show explosive growth

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

Tencent just released their financial results for Q2’17 and they’re impressive: Revenues grew by +59% YOY Operating profits grew by 57% YOY WeChat monthly active users grew to 963 million Ads revenue grew by 55% YOY As these results were published, both Tencent and Alibaba (which performed equally well) saw their valuation skyrocket close to 400 billion USD. Let’s look deeper …

WeChat tests feature to delete inactive friends (and 2 other news)

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

WeChat testing a way to delete your inactive friends WeChat is testing a new filter to delete WeChat friends. This filter can select: WeChat friends that you haven’t talked to for the past 6 months The friends that don’t share same WeChat groups with you Contacts with no WeChat moments interactions within half a year As soon as the test …

Cross-border e-commerce in China: what’s the trend in 2017?

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

iiMedia Research just released a very exhaustive report about cross-border e-commerce in China in 2017. Here are the highlights: Cross-border e-commerce keep growing and is expected to reach a 7.5 trillion RMB volume in 2017 58 million users in China are expected to engage in cross-border transactions in 2017 Cross-border e-commerce market is very fragmented as opposed to local e-commerce …

Selling 100 cars within 5 minutes- the power of WeChat influencers

Tingyi Chen New WeChat features

100 limited edition MINI Cooper, in value of 30 million RMB, sold on a WeChat influencer account in just 4 minutes. How did this happen? And what can brands learn from this? The WeChat Influencer Account This impressive sale was performed by a fashion focused WeChat Official Account operated by Becky Li (黎贝卡的异想世界). The account has 1.6 million WeChat followers, 90% …

50% of WeChat Accounts are losing followers and 3 other news

Tingyi Chen New WeChat features

WeChat Official Account Reading rate/followers growth rate are dropping According to a New Rank survey of 131 Official Account operators, there is a clear decrease in reading rates and growth rates on WeChat in 2017. As shown in the graph below, 39% of the accounts are experiencing a decrease in their article reading rate; while only 28% are seeing an …

Is Baidu about to exit BAT? The rise of JD.COM

Thomas Graziani New WeChat features

Is this the end of BAT? BAT – Baidu Alibaba Tencent – has been the acronym for the 3 most successful Internet companies in China over the last decade. But this acronym might well change to JAT, as is catching up with Baidu. on the rise market capitalization has been steadily rising over the last few months. …

China Mobile Payment Report 2017

Tingyi Chen New WeChat features

iResearch released a report about the Chinese mobile payment market this month. Highlights: Alipay and TenPay(WeChat Payment) together make up for 92% of the mobile payment market Alipay makes up for the majority (61.5%) of business-related transactions Mobile payment transaction increased 381% to RMB58.8 trillion in 2016 and are expected to grow at a 68% growth rate in the next 2 …